The OBC RDSC is open to traditional and non-traditional businesses, higher education institutions and research organisations that are developing innovative and emerging technologies and solutions in defence, security and related areas of government interest. The wider Cluster membership also includes government and other defence and security organisations.
Membership is free.
Member organisations are expected to contribute towards the RDSC’s objectives through engagement with the cluster activities, and provision of support and resources where feasible. Affiliate Membership is open to entities in other regions, who wish to collaborate with the RDSC.
Please contact us to discuss full membership, affiliate membership and strategic partnership.
Membership Benefits
Besides the benefits accruing through achievement of our main cluster objectives, membership of the OBC RDSC brings the following additional benefits, through networking, knowledge sharing and access to opportunities:
- with other OBC RDSC members;
- via our connections with relevant organisations such as the other RDSCs;
- through workshops, seminars and events;
- via our association with MOD and Government agencies such as DASA and DSTL.
OBC RDSC Members
Harwell Campus
Local and Combined Authorities
Academia Representatives
from two regional universities
Industry representatives
from two Defence and Security suppliers (“Primes”) and at least one regional SME.